Thursday, February 24, 2011


Welcome to The Goob & The Bean!

An Introduction:
Here at TG&TB, I'll be blogging about all things "mommy". That means sharing triumphs, frustrations, photos and memories. Sometimes I'll talk about being a parent and a wife, and sometimes it will be more about the kids than the mommy. No matter what I write about, comments and thoughts are always welcome!

Meet The Gang:
Me: Shannon, the wife and mother. I'm a blogger, I have a book blog (Literati's Literary Library), and I'm the administrator over at I read a lot, and I love photography. Give me chocolate or cute toys, stationary, books, etc., and I will love you forever.

Jesse: My husband and best friend. He's in the US Coast Guard, working hard to keep us safe. He builds and flies RC planes, plays guitar, skateboards, works on cars, and is the best father my children could possibly have.

Tyler: Our three year old! He's an energetic little booger, who likes to be chased, loves tickle-fights, and gets into all sorts of trouble when he's bored. He is a neat freak and a bit obsessive about some things, like- the doors must be closed, he'll only eat food that requires a fork or spoon, and he has to wear a shirt at all times unless he's in the tub. He's got an infectious laugh, a charming smile, and loving eyes. He is "The Goob."

Logan: The first thing that comes to mind, and the first thing I tell people he meets, is "He bites." And boy, he bites hard! He's deceptively adorable, with big blue eyes and dimples that will melt your heart. He'll be turning one this April, and I can't believe how fast these past ten months have gone. He's on the brink of walking, and loves to "creep" around the room, holding on to anything within reach to help him stand and move around. Logan hates long car rides, loves eating things all by himself, and sleeps with a soft stuffed horse. He is "The Bean."

Elmo: Our fat, wrinkly, loyal canine companion. He's my shadow, my foot warmer, and he cleans up any crumbs the kids leave behind. He's unfathomably good with the kids, letting them poke, prod and terrorize him endlessly.

Lila: The white cat you might see lurking in the corners. Loving and sweet, but smart enough to stay away from grubby hands and flying sippy cups. She won't pass up a good pet or empty lap, but only if the little ones are tucked in bed.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are going to be an amusing bunch aren't you? xD.
