Monday, June 6, 2011


Why do kids insist on getting up so early in the morning? Did I do that as a child?? Ugh!

The Goob woke me up at 4:10 AM this morning. And then The Bean woke up shortly after. What is up with this?? They've been getting up earlier since the sun rises earlier in the summer, but the sun was not up at 4 in the morning. I've been keeping them both up later at night to try to get them to sleep later in the morning, but no dice.

Any ideas? Tips, tricks?

1 comment:

  1. Addi and Mason don't generally get up quite that early but when they get up earlier than I want I put Mason in the baby swing and Addi in my bed. Mason usually goes back to sleep. Addi either runs around upstairs or goes back to sleep while I sleep.

    A more helpful suggestion may be this:
