Thursday, July 28, 2011


Well I've been a pretty fail blogger lately, haven't I? Sorry about that. Not just on here, but on all of my blogs. I feel like I owe a bit of an explanation. So here are my reasons for being a terrible, inconsistant blogger as of late:

1. It's summer. Winter on Nantucket means boredom, spare time out the wazoo, and lots of blogging. It's dark, it's cold, it's windy, and the only place to go is Stop & Shop. But summer is the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I can take the kids outside, we can go to the playground and the beach and go out on our "boat". The kids can run around outside while I read a book or study or play with them. We're not cooped up and desperate for things to occupy ourselves. It's quite nice really. But alas, it does mean less time for blogging.

2. I'm a nerd. Most of you knew that already, but in case you somehow missed that memo, now you know. I've been playing a computer game called Aion, and it's been fun. Jesse partitioned my computer just so I could play this game, so I have to show my thanks by using said game. (right?) He actaully spent quite a lot of time trying to get my computer set up for it, so I really can't not play it. (For other nerds, Aion is like World of Warcraft, but you get wings and you can FLY! Plus, it's a lot prettier and the animals are cuter. Oh, and you get a PANDA as a pet and he/she carries a backpack of stuff for you. Awesome. I'm still a fan of WoW, but Aion is my current game)

3. My keyboard died. Yeah. I got up one morning and all it would type was "4" repeatedly. And then it decided to dim my screen, even though I wasn't telling it to. So if I clicked a text box, it would just say "44444444444" and dim my screen. Not good. Jesse ordered me a new one of a different kind off of Amazon, so I'm using that now. It's a workout for my fingers though. My old keyboard was a nice little Apple wireless keyboard and I hardly had to lift my fingers. This new one is a Logitech "normal" keyboard, with those mountainous keys. My fingers are exhausted.

4. I just haven't been in the mood. With all this real life fun going on, I just haven't felt much like blogging. So please excuse my absence. I promise to be back at the keyboard when it gets colder out. ;-)

How are The Goob and The Bean, you ask? Wonderful of course.

The Goob: Has decided that it's super great to sweat all night long. Even though it's summer and he has no AC in his room (or even a fan), he insists on wearing winter pajamas and wrapping up in 5-6 blankets every night. I've tried to get him to wear his summer jammies, t-shirts and shorts, but it's been in vain. Fleece jammies and blankets or bust!

He's made a breakthrough at the beach- he actually sometimes touches the water!! If we go out on the boat and land in one of the coves we like, he will go in up to his thighs, sometimes deeper. There's little to no waves there, so he feels better. At "our" beach here by the house, he will sometimes get wet. The waves are much, much more intense at our beach and the undertow is strong, so I am 100% okay with him being cautious.

The Goob is also a very picky eater these days. Vegetables of any kind are evil. He won't touch them. In fact, if they come near him, he shuts his eyes and shakes his head until they go away. I sneak veggies into his other food, but it's not the same thing. A phase, I suppose. After all, he is a 3 year old boy.

He's still a chocoholic and tickle-fight-aholic. Don't think that will ever change. ;-)

The Bean: Trouble. He gets into everything. He thinks that my two lazy-susan's in the kitchen must be open at all times, and he loves to pull all the tupperware out of one of them and leave it on the kitchen floor. Fun. Thanks to a strategic placing of a baby gate, his toilet fun has been (mostly) curtailed, so that's a plus.

The Bean is the opposite of The Goob in many ways. One of them being how he approches water. While The Goob is only now beginning to warm up to the water, The Bean embraces it fully. Meaning, he dives right in. We went out on the boat yesterday and beached the boat so the kids could swim. Goobie of course splashed and played in thigh-high water. Beanie dove face first into the water. Three times. He was trying to pick up sea grass from the bottom, but that didn't always work out so well. Did he cry? Not a tear. He just came up and sputtered, blinked a few times, and went about his business. The Goob would have had a massive meltdown and sat in the boat the rest of the outing. It's fun to have two very different personalities. :)

Let's see, what else? Both boys love sitting in the cars and pretending to drive. Bean usually throws a fit when I have to take him back out. Bean recently cut a molar. That was a fun time for everyone, haha.

Goobie is still resisting potty training. And with so much life change coming up, he's not likely to do it anytime soon. I suppose he'll just be one of those late-learners. As I told my sister, I'm quite certain he won't be 20 years old and still in diapers... it'll come. We've tried all the methods that the books and DVDs say to try, with no results. He simply isn't ready. To be honest, I do hope he's ready soon. Pull-ups and diapers and such aren't getting any cheaper. I think he's ready in most areas, but I think he doesn't want to let go of this last piece of baby-hood. The Bean's still in diapers, and Goobie likes to do things like his little brother. Maybe they'll train together?

Well, real life is calling, so I must bid you adieu.

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