Friday, March 4, 2011

Crafty Kids- Slime!

These past two days the kids and I have been stuck at home. My car battery was dead and my hubby was at work... we were going nowhere. I generally try to get the kids out of the house at least once a day, so they were extraordinarily grumpy at not being able to go. How to cure the crankies? Craft time!! Here is a simple but fun activity for kids of most ages. Include your child in as many steps as is realistic for their age.

- 1 glass mixing bowl
- 1 rounded teaspoon of 20 Mule Team Borax (sold in the laundry isle of most grocery stores)
- 8 ounces white school glue
- 1 1/2 cup warm water
- 15 drops food coloring (if desired)
- 1 airtight container (zip lock bag or tupperware is fine)

- In the glass bowl, stir 1 cup of warm water with glue and food coloring.
- Dissolve the Borax powder in the remaining 1/2 cup of warm water.
- Add the Borax mixture to the glue mix -making sure all Borax has been added- and stir until the lump stops forming. Stir vigorously for another 20 seconds.
- Remove the lump of slime and knead it with your hands to dry it and complete the reaction. In about 2 minutes or so, you should be holding a ball of wonderful slime that pulls clean from your hands.

Your slime is now ready to use. Store it in an airtight container.

For older children- Bounce it off a table to show that it acts like a solid. And then, leave it to relax into a puddle on the table to show how it acts like a liquid.

Please Note: This recipe produces slime that is non-toxic, but should not be eaten.

(Pictures forthcoming... my computer is asking to be thrown out the window)

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