Friday, March 11, 2011

Ritzy Snacks

Today was a rainy, dreary day. We spent most of it out and about, at playgroups and a speech evaluation and then all sorts of errands. When we got home the kids went straight to their beds for naps, but once they awoke, we needed an indoor activity. Something simple, but fun. Something... yummy?

These scrumptious little buggers are as easy as they are delicious. They are perfect for kids who want to help in the kitchen, and mothers who don't mind a bit of mess. The quality time and change of pace are both wonderful for you, and your child.

Ritzy Snacks

What you will need:
2 bags of chocolate chips
A jar of creamy peanut butter
One box of Ritz snack crackers
2 squares of paraffin wax (if you have it) to add to the chocolate to make it set better. If you don't have it, just keep them refrigerated.

Spread a generous amount (but not too much) of peanut butter between two Ritz crackers, making a sandwich. (I do about two sleeves worth of crackers) Set aside. Melt chocolate over low heat, stirring often. Add paraffin (optional) and stir.

Using a fork or tongs, dip one of the sandwiches into the chocolate, covering both sides. Let excess chocolate drip off, then set on wax paper to cool. When chocolate has set, you will be able to easily remove the Ritzy Snack from the wax paper. (I usually put them in the fridge to speed the setting up, and I store them there as well)

*Children can help spread peanut butter and put crackers on top of the peanut butter. If your child is old enough and you are comfortable with it, they can also help dip the sandwiches in the chocolate. Use your judgement.

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